You can access our Cash Letter service to manage the collection of cheques payable abroad in euros along with a wide range of other currencies.
These can be banker’s or personal cheques. A banker’s cheque is issued by a bank drawing on its own funds, so that the bank charges its customer when the cheque is issued. It is, therefore, considered to be more secure than a personal cheque, although exporters should be wary in case it is fraudulent.
Drop into your local branch of Caixacallosa and manage the collection of your cheques using the Cash Letter system so that cheques are credited to your account immediately, withholding the amount for a certain time to cover possible returns.
Furthermore, if you wish, and the equivalent euro amount of the cheque is more than 30,000 euros, you can use our Exchange Desk to agree an exchange rate and check on line the amount in euros that will be credited to your account. You can contact our Exchange Desk by dropping into your local branch of Caixacallosa or by calling Telephone Banking on 950 18 33 18 Monday to Friday, between 8:30am and 3pm.