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Children’s Account

Risk indicator for the current account:

1 / 6

This number is indicative of the product risk, where 1/6 indicates lower risk, and 6/6 indicates greater risk.

Caja Rural San Roque de Almenara is a member of the Spanish Credit Entities Deposit Guarantee Fund. The maximum amount guaranteed actually by this Fund is 100,000 euros per depositor.

The account you want for your kids

They get their own account while learning to manage their own money. And you get peace of mind from having everything under control.

Cuida - Cuenta Menores

Take care of their future

Save for them,
or for future projects.

Educa - Cuenta Menores


Teach your children the value of planning ahead.

Supervisa - Cuenta Menores


Control and manage everything from the App or
Online Banking.

What can you do with the children’s account?

As a parent or legal guardian you can

Make deposits

Transfer money into the account

Transfer between accounts

Make withdrawals

And of course, all without any management and maintenance fees NIR 0% AER 0%(1) while the holders are minors.

Imagen gráfica de un chico delante de un portátil

If you are already a client and the minors are registered with the entity, apply through Online Banking or at your regular branch.

Hire online (in Spanish)

Otherwise, find out how to register minors with our entity from your Online Banking. See infographic (in Spanish).

And if your children are not so little anymore...

You can give your children more autonomy to pay for small purchases while still keeping everything under control.

Tarjeta Junior - Cuenta Menores

Apply for a Junior Prepaid Card (2) with the Children’s account

  • You can top up the card and manage it directly through Online Banking and the App.
  • Your children will be able to make purchases in physical and online stores.
  • You can activate and deactivate the card at any time.

App - Cuenta Menores

Give your child access to a limited version of the App

  • They can make and receive payments through Bizum.

Discover how to do it step by step through your Online Banking. See infographic (in Spanish).

How to open a Children’s Account

In order to open a Children’s Account, you must be a customer, and the child or children must be registered with the entity. Si ya están dados de alta, puedes abrir la cuenta desde:

Icono de mesa de escritorio con un ordenador

At your regular branch

If you want to open a Children’s Account but your children are not registered, you can do so through Online Banking (see infographic (in Spanish)) or your regular branch (bringing a form of ID for the child you wish to open the account for).

If you want to go a step further...

Hucha - Cuenta Menores

Link to Electronic Money Bank

So that any rounded-up amounts or specific amounts you have defined are paid into the Children’s account.

Go to Electronic Money Bank

Your questions answered

At this point, when they become an adult, they will become a full account holder in their own right. The Junior Account will become a standard account with all the features and services available.

When the account holder becomes an adult, they no longer need a legal representative on the account, so they can operate the account by themselves, and the legal representative will automatically be removed from the account.

If you want to close the account while the child is still a minor, you can do so through your regular branch like any other account.

Yes, as long as the account holder is a minor and the purpose of the account is to build up savings for the child and cover any expenses they have.

Yes, but they will have an associated cost. The account has an administration fee of €0.60 per direct debit.

Once you have opened the Junior Account, apply for the junior prepaid card from your regular branch.

As long as one or more purchases are made per year, the cost of the card will be €0, otherwise it will have a maintenance fee of €6 per year.

The legal representative can recharge it at any time via On Banking, the App or any ATM.

Once you have opened the Junior Account, you must register the child with Online Banking through your own Online Banking. Find out how to do this step by step with this infographic.

(1) As long as the purpose of the account is a means for the child to save, and the holder / holders of the account are minors when the maintenance fee is chargeable, it will be €0, otherwise the maintenance fee will be €20 monthly.

AER -3.93 % for a NIR 0 % calculated for a 12-month term assuming a constant daily balance of €6,000 during the liquidation period.

AER -1.98 % for a NIR 0 % calculated for a 12-month term assuming a constant daily balance of €12,000 during the liquidation period.

(2) Issuance fee for junior prepaid card: €0. Maintenance charge: €0 as long as more than one payment is made per year with the card. Otherwise the maintenance charge is €6 per year.